Images of the Antis: WTF

I generally have an idea what’s being said by an anti-gun cartoon.

This one I have NO idea….

What am I missing here? I feel like I’m looking a a Jackson Pollack painting.

Can you make heads or tails out of this mess?

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10 Responses to Images of the Antis: WTF

  1. Great Wall of Texas says:

    Brain droppings of a liberal arts major nerd not intelligent enough to make it into STEM?

  2. Joel says:

    No, it’s actually illustrating a common leftist trope – which might actually have a little validity. Maybe not doing a jood job of it, but I think I see what’s going on here…

    See, conservatives and libertarians (and crazy bomb-throwing anarchists like myself) tend to conflate all authoritarian evil in government, while giving commercial businesses a pass because Free Market. Leftists, on the other hand, tend to put their faith in the coercive do-goodness of government while blaming commercial business – especially EvilCorp – for all the evils in the world, buying off congress with election money and all-expense-paid flights to Pedophile Isle and so forth while corrupting and polluting the world.

    So this pic shows a deluded right-wing gunhugger flipping off GoodGuv (in the person of the SoL) while not even noticing he’s being devoured by EvilCorp. Get it?

    • sam says:

      Yep, its like, saying the pro gun side is a few individuals who are tools and mostly an inhuman industry lobbying thing.

      Its ludicrous, I mean, for what its worth the pro gun movement is solidly grass roots. Some companies support it, but you know, among other things thank decades of silly abusive bills that come down on stuff like Franchi SPASes and bayonet lugs for that.

    • TS says:

      That’s what I got out of it too, but it’s quite convoluted. I’d also add that Lady Liberty is portrayed as the protector here, wielding her torch as a flame thrower, but seems to have a “should I bother protecting one of those damn government hating libertarians who don’t even know who the real enemy is” look on her face.

      And for some reason our libertarian friend can talk even though he is dead.

  3. Ratus says:

    Reminds me of those freaky 19th century political cartoons.

    You know the ones with the weird symbolisms and dated references.

  4. Archer says:

    I agree, it’s terribly done. They even got their alien tropes confused.

    Basically, the artist is trying to portray it like in the movie Independence Day, when the scientist played by Brent Spiner hits the glass with the tentacle around his neck, and starts saying whatever the alien directs him to say. Presumably, his mind is already dead and the alien is keeping his body active to serve its whim.

    And that’s how they see us: empty-headed mouthpieces of the “corporate gun lobby”.

    In the Alien franchise, on the other hand, the victims of the face-huggers are paralyzed and comatose until the eggs are laid, and after waking (when the face-hugger dies, having completed its biological duty) retain all mental and physical capacities right up to the point the chest-burster hatches and eats its way out, at which time the victim dies (duh!).

    The artist has mixed up his/her alien memes. And the art style sucks, too! 😉

    • Weerd Beard says:

      The ID4 Alien Interaction makes a lot more sense.

      Also since I’m a HUGE Aliens G33k #1, the facehugger hatches from an egg and is really just a vehicle for the embryo to be implanted in the stomach of the host, so the facehugger is little more than a specialized organ that is discarted once a host is found. Also another amusing thing that doesn’t fit is the adult Xenomorphs are humanoid because the embryo interacts with the host’s genetics while incubating to be better suited for whatever environment the chestburster emerges into (this is the reason why the Alien in Alien3 was a quadraped, it emerged from a Bull (or a Dog in the theatrical release), rather than a human. So the humans in the Aliens series are just as much manipulating the bugs as the bugs are manipulating them….not that it’s voluntary on the human side!

      Also like most zombie movies, the Aliens in the franchise are NOT the villains, they’re a foil, and Wayland Yutani Corp is the REAL villain of the series…which WOULD fit with the artist’s views, except he didn’t depict that.


      • Archer says:

        I never realized the chest-burster interacts with the host’s DNA….

        I don’t know how I missed it, since the xenomorph who burst from the Predator’s chest at the end of AVP had a Predator’s distinctive mandible.

        Learn something new every day. 🙂

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