Oh The Anti-Gun Insanity

Man anti-gunners are a bunch of nuts!

I’m old enough to remember when the NRA was invited into our schools to educate students on gun safety. Yes, I’m old, and I grew up in rural Alaska, but the NRA as an institution has changed as much as everything else has since then. It now operates as a lobby for gun manufacturers rather than for responsible gun owners who grew up with the traditions of hunting and shooting.

Actually the NRA represents the gun-owning public. They’re also still heavily invested in gun safety training, too bad the anti-gunners are not keeping them out of the schools. In a nation where students are suspended for biting a food item into a gun shape, or pointing a finger at somebody and saying “Pew Pew!” how can we have gun safety training?

One week after the massacre, the NRA, in a paranoid fit, proposed changes. Let’s have more guns in schools! Armed guards have been present at many massacres and haven’t been able to stop them. And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation? “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” says the NRA. It’s a nice advertisement for gun sales but it’s ludicrous. The bad guy in Tucson, Ariz., who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was stopped because he was reloading. Should we have armed guards everywhere there has been a mass shooting? Schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores and churches? Are they proposing a jobs bill?

Of course there have been many tragedies stopped because of armed guards or police, but it’s obvious you’re more concerned with your agenda than facts.

“If only those teachers had a gun,” laments the NRA. At a time when teachers are blamed for far more than what is in their control, and for being “union thugs,” you want them to carry a weapon? Seriously? Think about that for a minute. A company in Utah had profits jump 500 percent this week by selling BULLET-PROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Children should not be shouldering the panic. The best thing about little children is they haven’t figured out yet that some people want to hurt them. Times have changed. If you’re not a cynic by third grade, you’re not paying attention.

Odd, places where the employees are NOT restricted on having guns, there aren’t mass shootings. Not thwarted mass shootings…they just don’t happen there? Many of these spree killers leave behind manifestos or other media, and in most cases they are looking to rack up the biggest body count before encountering somebody else with a gun. They’re concerned about this, so oddly they avoid places where the average citizen can carry a gun.

Also, if you don’t think children should be shouldering the panic, why are you writing this? All around America children have a greater risk of being hit by a car on their way to or from school, than being attacked by a spree killer. But “Progressives” like to drive around, so we MUST focus on the guns issue, because political hackery!

I’m worried that again nothing will happen in the face of a great problem. The violence that destroyed so many lives in Newtown, Conn., has changed the discussion in this country on gun control, but will that be enough this time?

Ummm, gun ownership is up. Carry permits are up, and violent crime is DOWN! But you don’t care, because you hate guns!

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you’re a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra.

Ahh, dick jokes! This is a pretty weak article, and so far that’s the literal BEST you have. Also love when antis embrace the hunters! You know, because George Washington crossed the Delaware to get to his duck blind!

Oh, that’s right, it’s about the “well-regulated militia.” The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn’t survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you’re going to need more than a few guns and monster clips. You’ll need weapons-grade uranium, a few tanks, a submarine and an army of your own to go up against our 3 million strong military. You very well may need the aid of another country. Good luck with that, and I think your three-cornered hat may be on a little too tight. The same founders who thought a militia was a good idea would never have expanded gun ownership to blacks. The whole slavery situation could have gotten awkward quickly.

Uh huh. You need weapons grade Uranium, and submarines to win a war! The Iraqis and the Afghans didn’t seem to need them, did they. As for tanks, and army, not easy, but acquirable.

As for extending the ownership to blacks, yeah that is a sad part of the past. Still at the time of the drafting of the 2nd Amendment blacks were not considered people by the United States Government. Of course we fixed that with the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution which clarified the rights to keep and bear arms (as well as every other right) to blacks….and then the Democrats drafted the first gun control laws to stop that from happening.

You know, the same laws you’re so in love with today. So yeah, you’re a racist monster. Can we quit this shit?

So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

No that’s a “Gun Free Zone” filled with soft targets. Thanks antis!

I’m not advocating for no guns. I like mine and am not about to give them up. But in this country, my uterus is more regulated than my guns. Birth control and reproductive health services are harder to get than bullets. What is that about? Guns don’t kill people — vaginas do?

Ahhh, dick jokes AND “I’m a gun owner but….” DOUBLE COMBO!!! Also, since when are uteri more regulated than guns? Felons have uteri. I helped MAKE a uterus with no paperwork needed. Felons are allowed to have kids. If you’ve had an abortion because you practiced unsafe sex, you’re welcome to have more kids…and abort them if you so wish. WTF??

When the cottonwood is flying and Alaskans are all lined up for Sudafed, we have to get it from a pharmacist, give them our identification, and the state keeps track of how much we’re consuming just so they’re sure we’re not running a meth lab. I get it, meth is bad, but I can buy bullets right off the shelf.

I’m sure in your town there is also somebody selling meth too. So the Pseudoephedrine restrictions are completely worthless, so the best idea is to make MORE things subject to pointless bans! That sounds smart!

One hundred percent of passengers on an airplane go through screening checkpoints, but 40 percent of gun purchases are made without background checks through the loophole that allows purchase at gun shows, many of which are held in schools.

Everything said here is 100% true! I guess it’s time to turn in my guns….WTF???

Last Christmas a class of kindergarteners caught snowflakes on their tongues and spent the holidays with loving families. This year, no stockings are needed. There is no way to know, if we’d had the much-needed conversation years ago, that the tragedy in Newtown could have been avoided. But we owe it to them to have it now.

So a lawful gun owner was MURDERED, her guns and her car were stolen. The killer then chose a soft target to shoot up before killing himself.

Yep, we DEFINITELY need more laws!

Strange why us gun owners don’t want to play with people like this.

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3 Responses to Oh The Anti-Gun Insanity

  1. Archer says:

    Love this part: “In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you’re a pretty poor hunter.”

    My response: In any environment, many of us may need guns to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, but if you need a disarmed citizenry to govern, you’re a pretty poor governor.

    Besides, ask any other anti: you don’t need a gun to “fill [your] freezers”; that’s what grocery stores are for!

    Also, funny about her uterus being more heavily regulated than her guns. Last I checked, a fetus didn’t need to pass a background check before being allowed to manufacture and be born with a uterus, although I’ll concede the waiting period (approx. 38 weeks) is still there. 😉

  2. MrApple says:

    I have always wondered and often asked what is the female equivalent for the “you own guns because you have a small penis” argument. This is relevant since women are the fastest growing demographic of firearm purchasers at the moment in the US.

  3. Great Wall of Texas says:

    During the Russian coup attempt of 91 the vast majority of Soviet military units stayed in their barracks refusing to get involved.
    What makes these clabber headed fools think that the overwhelmingly conservative American military would do otherwise?

    Leadership 101, rule 1: Never give an order you know won’t be obeyed.

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