Whip Out

Neat Meme from Og.

Take the knife out of your pocket and take a picture of it, and post it.

North did it, so Me too.

Actually not one of my favorite EDC knife. Its a Bob Dozier Ka-Bar Folder. Its slow to deploy, uses a lockback lock that I’m not a fan of, and has a combo edge which I also don’t care for.

Still its a rugged, light, and quality knife. I wouldn’t carry it if it wasn’t. Also these knives can be had for SHORT money, I bought a shitload of them at the NRA show for the amazing price of 5 for $40!

If I lose it, I won’t cry. If I do something stupid with it and chip the blade, I have more. I’m in a goofy place where a 4″ pocket knife is something bothersome, I can toss it in the trash without flinching.

All that and its everything you need in a knife. And you can tell by how beat and filthy it is that I do use it all the time.

What’s in your pocket?

**UPDATE** Alan wonders why I only carry ONE knife. Oops, I forgot about this one:

CRKT Gekkota. It also has a bottle opener, and a screwdriver, as well as the little blade. Also this piece has been riding in my pocket attached to my keys for over a year-and-a-half, and besides a few dents and scratches it still looks scary good. A CRKT rep says the metallic powder coat on the body is protected with an epoxy coat so it still looks brand new despite some of the worst abuse possible.

Two is one, one is none!

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29 Responses to Whip Out

  1. North says:

    All the cool people are doing it.

    And apparently, you too.


    Mine was $20. It will hurt more to toss, but not as much as some of my more expensive knives.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I am in LOVE with my CRKT Vertex that set me back $40. Still if something was too expensive for me to lose, dump, or destroy, I wouldn’t carry it around in my pocket.

      But most of my knives fell in the $8-$30 range.

  2. alan says:

    THE knife? You only have one?

  3. North says:

    My CRKTs are my favorites…

  4. Pingback: Knife Meme : Newbie Shooter

  5. Pingback: What have I got in my pocketses… | Pithy Title Goes Here

  6. bluesun says:

    I could’ve included my leatherman too, I suppose. Just stuck with the real pocket knife.

  7. RedeemedBoyd says:

    I only bothered displaying 2. Wearing 6 pocket cargo pants, having 1 per pocket, plus a few stragglers in various places makes for a sufficient number. The problem is when the Droid’s screen and the knives meet in ways they shouldn’t.
    I do like seeing that yours is well used, the sign of any good tool!

  8. Pingback: Pocket pointies « Curses! Foiled Again!

  9. Pingback: SayUncle » Knife Meme

  10. Pingback: Life in 3D » Blog Archive » Following the Meme

  11. Pingback: » Knife Meme Gun Nuts Media

  12. Pingback: 3 Boxes of BS » Blog Archive » What’s in my pocket?

  13. Dan says:

    Roadkill Sent me – man, nice site, cool idea and great knife. Love the Ka-Bar dozier. Currently carrying a full sized Griptilian on me.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Glad you enjoy, also sorry that it appears your URL tripped my spam trap, hopefully that’ll be fixed now.

      I’ll need to give your site a serious read…tho maybe I shouldn’t because it’ll lead me to buying more knives, and I have a bit of a problem. 🙂

  14. Pingback: What Knife Is In Your Pocket? • Where Angels Fear To Tread

  15. Pingback: The Knife That Rides in My Pocket | Walt in PA

  16. HerrBGone says:

    Today’s cutlery selection posted at the new and unproved Dragonfly.

  17. Pingback: Late to the Meme Again | The Minuteman

  18. Pingback: Late to the Meme Again - The Minuteman

  19. Pingback: pdb : Happy Bladeday!

  20. Ben says:

    The price has gone up a bit over the years, but the Dozier is still a good buy for a dependable beater knife.

  21. Monique says:

    This is one of one my most favorite knives. But i had lost my one. 🙁

  22. BenDK says:

    I bought a Dozier three years ago, it is still fine today. Although it has been faded quite a bit.

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