A Repsonse

Seems that Japete saw my Last post and decided only to skim it, and get outraged with what she misread. I won’t bother responding to her baseless accusations, I’ll just let you read her post and decide for yourself.

I did respond in her comments, I will republish it here as she has deletes almost all pro-gun comments form her blog:

“Your previous post claimed to be asking for dialog, yet it was filled with things that aren’t true, laws that cannot do what you claim they will do, and lastly you block comments from people actually attempting to discuss the issues.

You behavior comes off as disingenuous.

I am indeed sorry for your loss, but it in no way makes your arguments logical, nor does it make you appear open for any sort of discussion.

Also while this comment likely won’t be approved, I welcome you to my blog that you linked if you are truly interesting in discussing the issue.

As for “Behavior like this” I am simply referring to the dishonest nature of gun control supporters (Such as your suffering to the M1 as a “High Capacity Military Weapon”, or saying that “Closing the Gunshow Loophole” will prevent “Prohibited people from buying firearms on the secondary market”, ect ect, and the entire lack of debate or dialogue on the anti-gun side of the aisle. ”

I suspect she won’t publish my comment, and I know she won’t come over here to attempt to discuss or persuade (as I have done with her and countless others).

Oddly enough she herself makes claims that somehow because I’m pro-gun and willing to debate the issue somehow I’m “Set in My Ways”. Of course I used to BE anti-gun myself, just as I showed in my rebuttal post, I found out the gun laws proposed don’t do what they claim to do, and instead just take rights away from people who aren’t causing a problem in the first place.

So I’ll keep my hat handy in case its time for eating, but let’s face it Anti-Gun people do NOT care if they get the results they propose, and they do NOT want common ground.

Because of that they will get zero respect from me. And when I back up my facts its hardly Ad hominem, so you can keep that victim card in your pocket.

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0 Responses to A Repsonse

  1. Damn, I am jealous now. She didn’t say anything about me.

  2. Dragon says:

    You know…I love how these anti’s espouse *common sense* and *gun control* in the same sentence.

    Firstly, common sense actually means having some street smarts, not some ivory-tower Liberal sense of personal morality.

    Second, you cannot control an inanimate object…this has been proven over in Sarah Brady Paradise (aka: the former Great Britain) where, after successfully banning guns, violent crimes COMMITTED WITH guns went UP. Along with that rise, the rate of violent crimes on the whole went UP. The Sarah Brady goobermint across the pond then banned knives, clubs, sticks, tree branches…and their most recent attempt to curtail violent crime is banning the ubiquitous Pint Glass, and replace it with the Pint Sippy Cup, because pint glasses were being thrown on the ground and shattered (those things are made to be VERY THICK) and the resulting large shards used as cutting weapons in bar brawls.

    The anti’s will never go after the PERSON wielding the weapon….they think that the problem is the weapon itself, not the will of the person wielding it.


  3. Paul Kanesky says:

    Weerd, these people do not understand a very simple fact. Laws do not prevent crime. Their entire premise is wrong, which makes their arguments about reasonable gun control specious Laws were designed to codify what was acceptable in society and what is unacceptable and provide the means to punish someone who breaks the law.
    My observation over the years is that the people punished for breaking “Gun Laws” are normally law abiding citizens (other than breaking a gun law) where no harm is done to society by their “crime”. Olofson is a good example.
    The last few years have seen an improvement in regaining our civil rights but we must keep up the pressure and try as much as possible to educate those willing to listen.
    Paul in Texas

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