Don’t Need a Gun to Protect Your Kids

Seems everybody is picking up on this video. Yep the Mom’s in the video could have used a bit more training in safe gun handling, yep whoever directed it was an asshole suggesting you shoot an AK in each hand up in the air.

Still I suspect most of the footage was done via remote camera, and I suspect blanks of some sort were used (Tho I don’t see star crimps in the brass).

Still I like the slo-mo, they picked some interesting guns to shoot, and they picked some non-standard figures to shoot them.

Yep older women, and minorities can shoot guns, and I recommend you try it.

Still what’s really gross is this isn’t a shooting sports or self-defense video. No its for the Amber Alert System, which is a government run alert system to alert Police and civilians about abducted children.

So here’s a scenario. Mom gets accosted by kidnappers (why take the $50 in her pocket when you can steal the kid and get $50,000 ransom?), instead she pulls her gun and kidnappers beat a hasty retreat.

Scenario 2 Mom gets accosted, unarmed Mom let’s kid get stolen. She gathers her wits and calls 911. Dispatcher sends an Amber Alert, child is eventually recovered after 3 hours with strange rough men.

Scenario 3, same as above, but kid is recovered 5 days later in 4 garbage bags in a shallow grave.

I see things like Amber Alert as being valuable, as parents can’t be around their kids 24/7, and shit happens. But don’t encourage stupid behavior that will put MORE demand on a system that is really a worst-case-scenario in the first place!

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0 Responses to Don’t Need a Gun to Protect Your Kids

  1. Jake says:

    Weer’d: This isn’t for the Amber Alert system, it’s for something called “AmberWatch Alert”, which is completely different. Like you said, Amber Alert is a government run alert system to alert Police and civilians about abducted children. This AmberWatch Alert looks like a private system run by the “AmberWatch Foundation” that sends subscribers alerts about attempted abductions based on police and news reports.

    It looks like they’re trying to promote this alert system as a superior alternative to guns, rather than as an additional resource. In fact, their “tools to keep your children safe” section pushes cell phones and computer nanny software – and donations to their own system.

    They seem to be trying to take advantage of the widespread recognition of Amber Alerts. You’re not the first one I’ve seen to get the two confused, and I’m wondering if that’s deliberate.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      interesting. I’m sure because their goals are similar having like sounding names is good marketing.

      I still stand behind what I say that these systems are great to have, and valuble….but one must take your own personal safety into your own hands first for it to be any value

      • Jake says:

        Agreed, on all counts.

        Also, from a comment over at SayUncle’s, it looks like they have an educational program for kids on how to avoid getting abducted, and it specifically tells kids to physically fight back if they do get grabbed.

        So despite the vaguely anti-gun slant of the video, it looks like a good group, overall. And now that I think about it, tying the name to Amber Alerts may be good. Differentiating it by calling it a watch makes it similar to the existing tornado or storm watch/warning system.

  2. Thomas says:

    I’m not an older woman or a minority, would it be OK if I tried shooting guns?

  3. Chris in Texas says:

    Tom: No. YOU shooting guns would obviously mean that you want to do horrible violent things to women and minorities. Geez, didn’t you get the memo? 🙂

    Weer’d: I liked the one dual-wielding the AK’s. Watching the brass bounce off her head was pretty funny.

  4. Dev says:

    Thanks for the commercial. Shared it.

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