In Defense of Property

This wonderful post by Bob S. reminded me of a story. Go read the whole thing, I’ll wait.

Essentially Bob is talking about the parody act. “Spineless Homeowner Eliminating Extraneous Physicality (S.H.E.E.P.)”, that helps criminals from getting shot by home owners over loss of property.

This reminds me of Friday when Mrs. Weer’d was being discharged from the hospital. Being around 1900 hours, the pharmacy in the hospital was closed, so I ran up the street to a local CVS. Now Mass General is in a good section of Boston, but frankly outside the uppity rich white neighborhoods “Good” only goes so far.

In my prescriptions was a narcotic pain killer. I don’t know all the laws regarding this shit, but I DO know that.

#1. The stuff has a very high street value.
#2. To keep this from being abused they take extra scrutiny if you attempt to refill the script before a certain time.

As I left the pharmacy I was in condition Orange the whole time I was on the street, I had a VERY firm wrist-wrap on the bag, and if somebody attempted to take it I would kill them.

Over property? Yep!

#1. My wife needs these meds to heal
#2. If I lose them I will likely have a VERY hard time getting them replaced.
#3. The pills belong to my wife and nobody else.

So yeah, I’m generally in the “I won’t kill anybody over stuff” camp…but I’m starting to change my mind.

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0 Responses to In Defense of Property

  1. Bob S. says:


    Thanks for the link and the point you made. Some stuff has more value than other stuff.

    I don’t mention often but I have asthma — my ‘meds’ are more then property, they are life saving stuff.

    The major point that I was making with the story is simple; if the S.H.E.E.P. truly believe it isn’t worth killing over, that property isn’t worth people getting hurt over, then they need to live those beliefs.

    And we all know they don’t really mean it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      If your possessions are not worth the effort to physically retain them by force, do they really belong to you at all?

      • Linoge says:

        Remember – your possessions are nothing more than a physical manifestation of your time and effort. After a fashion, they are you. “Defense of possessions” is, in the end, nothing more than “defense of my time”, which, inthe end, is nothing more than “defense of myself”, specifically from slavery-by-proxy.

        Unfortunately, average Americans (especially those afflicted with an overabundance of the Entitlement Complex going around) have a hard time conceptualizing up that far…

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Of course there are more factors as well. We got screwed out of a furnace tank filled with oil by an old Landlord. Once we figured out all the court proceedings, plus lost wages from court appearances it really was a wash. Same goes with detention, criminal investigation, firearms confiscation, invasion of your already violate privacy ect ect.

          Some things deadly force ISN’T worth it. But that evening with a bag filled with Hydromorphone, I would have been willing to kill to make sure it got to my wife.

          • Linoge says:

            Oh, to be certain, everything is a cost-benefit analysis – and a function of whether or not you want to take a human life. However, the fact is, when a person takes something from you, or destroys something of yours, they are taking part of your life, against your will.

            But, then, since the anti-rights bigots are against rights of every flavor and type, endorsing part-time, by-proxy slavery is not unusual for them.

  2. wizardpc says:

    Clearly, Thomas is the only person on the internet who knows anything about anything. And we know this, because he tells us.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Sorry Thomas, I don’t have the stomach for off-topic bickering. If you want to be cantankerous, feel free to do it on relevant subjects. If the subjects here don’t interest you, the world is filled with blogs including your own fine one.

      If people do want to drop off-topic information, please make them brief and non-inflammatory so we don’t all spend time talking about the thread hijack and not about the thread.

  3. So yeah, I’m generally in the “I won’t kill anybody over stuff” camp…but I’m starting to change my mind.

    There are people who will kill you over stuff, though. Better that you kill them first.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    Some things are worth fighting for, some not. That’s why those of us who choose to be GrownUps are willing to defend that which our Loved one’s must have, so we can keep on loving and being loved by them. Hope the Missus feels better soon.

  5. wrm says:

    See that big screen TV? It represents a few days of my life.

    You want to steal a few days of my life?

    Now let’s just see about that…

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