Uhhhh, Maybe Not…

Mr Obama presented Sir Paul with the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song in a star-studded ceremony in the East Room of the White House….He also had a dig at former president George W Bush, saying: “After the last eight years it is great to have a President who knows what a library is.”

Well first up I could be a total dork and split hairs and point that former President Bush married a LIBRARIAN….I suspect he knew a thing or two about the, weather he liked it or not, that’s just how marriages work. (of course why would I expect Sir Paul to know ANYTHING about Marriages, excepts how to put one up on the rocks)

But if Barry had done a little research, Sir. Paul hasn’t written anything worthwhile since he and John Lennon stopped writing songs together.

He certainly hasn’t written anything anybody has listened to in 20+ years. And Barry is giving him an award TODAY?

Johnny Come Lately!

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0 Responses to Uhhhh, Maybe Not…

  1. Dixie says:

    Sir Paul had to toe the party line– “OMG, BUSH NOT READ NUTTIN!” Of course, the man flew the Delta Dagger (which my father hated to even attempt to work on) and married a librarian… and earned a M.B.A. from Harvard… but he’s stupid, don’t you know?

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