Again, from Joan. Not only is this typical Joan, but typical Brady Campain, and Joyce Foundation activists (of which she is both).
Honestly- most people just don’t care about all of this stuff.And in the end, much of it doesn’t matter. The general public does not like assault type guns and associate them with war or crime. I know you guys like them and don’t have a problem with them but many people just plain don’t care about guns and the details of them. No matter what the Brady Campaign does, you would not like it and find it wrong. It is a fact that criminals are using assault rifles on the streets and the police are outgunned. As I have said before, your world is quite different from mine and the many people who agree with me. That doesn’t make you right and me wrong or vice versa. We disagree. But as long as we have the highest gun death rate in the civilized world, we will keep working to keep those guns from people who shouldn’t have them.
This is in reference to the Brady Campaign’s posted stance on the “Assault Weapons Ban”
Let’s run down the line.: “Most people just don’t care about all of this stuff”: True, there are lots of people not very interested in the whole 2nd Amendment debate. Of course that goes for BOTH sides, if they don’t care about the erroneous definition of “Assault Weapons” they also don’t care if they are banned or not. Of course the numbers of people who DO care are steadily growing.
“The general public does not like assault type guns and associate them with war or crime.” Feelings not supported by facts. She cites no support, nor can she. I would add that this is because its untrue, but I also can cite no support. I will point out that companies that build rifles like the AR-15, or similar, as well as make magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are doing very well, even in this down economy. For a while it was very hard to find “Assault Weapons” in gun stores because they were selling out as soon as the shipment would arrive. Now that buying frenzy has slacked off, but those guns haven’t disappeared. I personally sold my WASR-10, took me all of a week to find a buyer and arrange a meeting time. I then turned that cash into my FAL which is also an “Assault-type Weapon”, tho both guns were indeed ban compliant.
“It is a fact that criminals are using assault rifles on the streets and the police are outgunned.” False (PDF) I would note its a common theme on Joan’s blog for her to be butthurt that people are calling her a liar. Joan, you want people to stop calling you “Liar”? STOP LYING! That does wonders.
“As I have said before, your world is quite different from mine and the many people who agree with me.” Indeed, one deals with facts and reason, the other seems to think they can make the sky turn green just by believing it is. In another post Joan wrote: “my facts most certainly are wrong because they have better ones”, the other facts are “Better” because they are supported by Data. Because your “facts” are erroneous and supported only by feelings.
“But as long as we have the highest gun death rate in the civilized world, we will keep working to keep those guns from people who shouldn’t have them.” Of course Joan gets to decide what nations are “Civilized” and which aren’t. Places like Mexico, and South Africa, and Brazil aren’t “Civilized”? Is it because they’re full of brown people? That’s inflammatory because most of Eastern Europe is filled with white people, but they have higher “Gun Death” than the United States….oh and they also have modern technology and medicine. I would LOVE to see Joan take her next Vacation to Mexico or Russia and spend her time there pointing out what “Savages” those people are. I mean if the United States has the highest “Gun Death” in the “Civilized World” then those places are the “Uncivilized World”, and I think they’d appreciate her opinion!
Of course again she’s using the metric of “Gun Death” because there are many places where MURDER is much more common per capita than in the United States, but not by means of guns. If we banned all guns here in the United States we most likely WOULD achieve a lower “Gun Death” rate. Would we get a lower murder rate? I doubt it. Also without lawful people carrying guns in self defense, and given the high incidence of defensive gun use in this country I’d imagine that less murders would be PREVENTED in that “Utopia”.
And “we will keep working to keep those guns from people who shouldn’t have them.”??? Umm what has the Brady Campaign done to prevent people who shouldn’t have guns from having them? I would state that they have yet to do anything effective (with the exception of waking up people who were once not interested in firearms to the debate) why should we believe your lies now?
This is of course the best they have. They occasionally double-down by buying a “Scientific Study” that throws all ethics and analytical rules to the wind to make it appear that their side isn’t lying. But that’s all they have. Feelings and lies.
Have you ever noticed how the anti-rights cultists absolutely discount our feelings?
I feel safer carrying a firearm in public. As long as I don’t harm anyone, don’t my feelings have the same weight as hers?
I feel safer having firearms in the house, shouldn’t that matter just as much?
I feel comforted by the fact that my wife and kids are knowledgeable about firearms and can use them safely; shouldn’t that be of equal consideration to her feelings?
And to top it off, I’ll support my position with common sense and facts. There are approximately 280 Million firearms in America and that number is growing; if firearms are as much of a problem as Joan feels; then shouldn’t the number of deaths & injuries be increasing instead of decreasing?
So Joan no hard feelings but yours don’t mean a hill of beans to me.
“and given the high incidence of defensive gun use in this country I’d imagine that less murders would be PREVENTED in that “Utopia”.
Remember, we are enjoined to seek recourse through the criminal justice system. Where any ancillary crimes beyond the main are plea bargained away and the host of prior convictions are overlooked. We are told to have compassion because they are “turning their life around” and never miss a church service. That way their sentence is reduced to time served and they are put on parole, to continue their criminal enterprise unabated at the expense of the disarmed.
But of course, as Joan advises, “Just don’t travel in bad neighborhoods!”
It sounds cold-blooded, but given the total Joke that capital punishment is in this country (its hardly cost effective nor any deterrent to executed a middle-aged criminal who’s offenses were committed in his teens….nobody remembers the CRIME, so why should they connect the punishment?) And with the increasingly lenient sentences and parole grants (not to mention the high incidence of minimal parole supervision) our ONLY salvation as a society is that carry laws are getting better and better, and more people are taking advantage of the right to carry.
And in the end who would argue against the fact that its better to have a crime never committed, even when it means a dead aggressor, over a solid conviction and sentence for a crime committed.
Weerd is spot on about a dead aggressor, but in Joan’s emotional touchy-feely world ANY violence with a gun is too much (except for police). She would say it is just a mugging, so give him your wallet and all will be well. Bull…she ignores that he might kill you anyway!
We all have the absolute right to defend ourselves. She can choose to plead for her life/body with her attacker; I will use the more effective 12 gauge argument.
The “It was just a mugging” (and then the subsequent ignoring of cooperative victims who were killed for their cooperation) is certainly part of the whole “Pro Criminal” mentality. They give the Criminal every benefit of the doubt, and presume EVERY legal gun owner is guilty. Of course it could be that because they hate us and they could never imagine us doing anything good.
And what if the goblin has more in mind than “just a mugging”? They seem to be forgetting about people like Ted Bundy. Giving him what he wanted didn’t help all those girls.
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I think you are spot on with japete’s racial bigotry that goes along with her anti-gun bigotry. In her little world, they are black or brown, they can’t be civilized.
She lives in Duluth, MN. Per Wiki,_Minnesota#Demographics
The racial makeup of the city was 92.7% White, 1.6% Black or African American, 2.4% Native American, 1.1% Asian, 0.0% Pacific Islander, 0.3% from other races, and 1.8% from two or more races. 1.1% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
So yeah, she lives in a lily white bubble.
That is an interesting phenomenon. I Maine most people don’t think twice about race, tho the state is about 98% white (with 1% of non-whites being Native American….who with the Northeast Tribes look pretty white to me, certainly no darker than most Italians or others from Southern Europe)
Still while most don’t really think about race much, the others who do are really scary racist. I always wondered the if guys who “Hate Ni**ers” so much have ever even seen a black person up close.
Certainly like most “Progressives” she lives in a thought bubble where everybody she chooses to interact with agrees with her (or she thinks they do) and many just assume that since all of their friends think the same way, that must mean just about everybody also thinks that way (not thinking about all the cherry-picking that was done up front)
Nice observation Weerd, you crystallized what was forming in my mind. She constantly says that she [paraphrasing]…”knows people who think X” and “there are many gun owners that agree about Y” and other peer validations, but she has a major selection bias for her syncophant crowd.
Really, if you owned a gun and you knew who she was, you probably could not stand to be in the same room with her.
Also, she has selective hearing/reading skills as evidenced by her responses on her blog. She pulls out stuff that is bizarre.
I bet if one of her LEO sources said, “Concealed carry is great” she would actually hear, “Concealed carry is hate!”
I’d love to show up in her town showing off my racially mixed marriage and my kids that do not fit into any Census box and see if she is as bigoted as her comments may indicate.
Yeah seeing how she goes on, I suspect a lot of gunnies who might know her personally probably keep a wide berth of her (not to mention her domestic violence work that seems to border on Misandry) and those who think she’s a little nuts, but are scared off might just smile and nod just to keep her from going into one of her rants.