Relaxing Evening

So now a Massachusetts Resident Christina has hung out her shingle for doing home massage. She asked if the wife and I were interested. Mrs. Weer’d was, I wasn’t so sure if I would be interested in such things.

Still being always interested in blog fodder and trying new things, and tempted by the fact that Christina discounts multiple massages at a single location because her travel and setup only need to be done once, I agreed to give it a shot.

So I let Mrs. Weer’d go first and I observed. I’ll leave her experiences for her own review if she wants to write one. I will say that the Mrs. put on some new-age music that she finds relaxing. She finds relaxing, I find grating to the ears. I joked that I was going to play Psychobilly for my massage. To my surprise Christina welcomed me to play whatever music I wanted. Upon further discussion Christina admitted to being a bit of a metal-head herself, so with that I felt emboldened to fill the Sonos with my entire collection of White Zombie The Horror Pops and the Necromantix.

With the music thumping, Christina left the room with instructions for me to get undressed as far as I was comfortable and to lie on the table face down with the sheet over me. I stripped to my under-breeches and assumed the position. I welcomed the light ribbing when the Masseuse noted that “Mr. Big Talker” decided to take his massage in his boxer briefs.

Also never having a massage before I asked her to explore pressures and I’d inform her if things were uncomfortable, too hard, or too soft.

I guess my preference was “Light Swedish Massage”, which is not very Macho at all…which is good because Weer’d ain’t no Macho guy! 🙂

OK onto the serious stuff. It was REALLY enjoyable. If you think Metal and Psychobilly as odd or inappropriate music for a Massage, you’d be surprisingly wrong. Besides hand massage she also used hot rocks which are REALLY delightful. She worked on the muscles that I jokingly call “My Heart Condition”, and overall it was VERY relaxing, and my hour massage was over before I noticed.

Then we all had dinner.

Oh, and as much as I asked…It didn’t happen. 😉

So thanks Christina! And if you live in the People’s Republik of Massachusetts, or want to Import her like the Farm Family did I couldn’t possibly recommend her more!

And dudes, if you’re apprehensive about a lady giving you a rub-down in a clinical fashion, maybe you should give it a second thought, as I really enjoyed it!

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0 Responses to Relaxing Evening

  1. Old NFO says:

    Christina IS good at her job, and the least you could do was feed her 🙂

  2. Wally says:

    I keep trying but she wont cross state lines. But she did for the farm fam ? Well I guess that tells me. HARUMPH.

    (ps: i’ll cover the tolls & fuel!)

  3. Borepatch says:

    I really dislike the massage where they work the muscle knots.

  4. wfgodbold says:

    There’s a PA for almost every situation, I think.

  5. Thank you, Weer’d!

    And thank YOU, NFO!

    Wally, I was on vacation at Blogorado! (The massages I do there are generally my “hostess gift”. Or birthday presents. Or massages for people who will never get a massage otherwise. :))

    Borepatch, a good therapist will adjust his or her massage to the client’s needs AND wants. So no worries about the knots. 🙂

  6. Oh, and dinner was DIVINE! Don’t listen if Weer’d ever disparages the missus’ cooking. She’s an excellent chef and I ate far too much. OMNOMNOM…

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