They Know!

Chris Found this news report from Maine (Tho it looks like the story is from California)

I saw two toms about this size on my drive to work this morning. Totally wish I had pulled over and snapped their picture now.

I got chased by a pair of Toms a few years ago. As usual I was armed so I had the option of shooting old Tom for being a dick. Instead I hunkered down and spread my arms which stopped them, and then threw pebbles at them until they lost interest in me.

When in doubt don’t run around like a prey animal. KICK THE TURKEY! If hunting laws weren’t as they were, you could shoot them and have a nice dinner.

I love turkey meat!

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0 Responses to They Know!

  1. falnfenix says:

    actually, Chris found it. 😉

  2. Thirdpower says:

    Turkeys are the bullies of the poultry world. I’ve seen them stomp smaller, injured birds to (near) death (before I got over there and stopped them) and one started going after my 3yr old son w/ a vengeance.

    He tasted good.

  3. McThag says:

    Grab its fool neck, sling twice to break, dinner in three hours.

  4. Suz says:

    At first it was funny, then it got pathetic. Was she raised on bad horror flicks? Sure large birds can injure humans, but they’re generally not psychotic, and not likely to attack an animal that is 5 times their size AND aggressive. It doesn’t take a genius (sorry Weer’d) to do exactly what you did, and drive it out of YOUR territory! She may live in Maine, but she needs to go back to California.

  5. 45er says:

    I swear, this is what the apex predator has become. Running screaming from a turkey. That’s just ridiculous.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well that’s what happens when you breed people to think meat comes from the grocery store covered in plastic wrap on polystyrene trays.

      Of course when I was being chased I kept thinking: “Man that’s like a 3 yard shot, I can put a .38 in each of then and drop them in my truck….I even can make a good backstop! But I’ll get charged with discharging a round in the city. Well I could grab at least one by the neck and kill it pretty quick, and maybe the 2nd will stick around….but I’ll probably get tagged for poaching….”

      Can you imagine Thog and Grak needing to wait for spear season to hunt Mammoth?

  6. alcade says:

    ” Instead I hunkered down and spread my arms which stopped them, and then threw pebbles at them until they lost interest in me.”

    You must have learned that technique from the “Joan Peterson Guide to Stop Muggers and Rapists”!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL! No, Joan and other modern “Progressives” value the status of a victim above everything else. Hence why she has dragged out her dead sister every chance she gets, even when grossly inappropriate, and does all she can to paint her murderous and mentally ill brother-in-law as a good man turned deadly because of guns, and guns alone. Its all about her, and if we question her flawed ideals we’re being insensitive to her pain.

      So the best bet is to allow the predators to do with you what they will…and then demand the world feel sorry for you, and grant your wishes out of pity.

      • alcade says:

        Yep, that about sums it up, eh? I like Cooper’s old maxim: Every man owes God a death. If we pay that debt today, we don’t have to worry about it tomorrow.

        Sometimes it almost seems as if the antis believe they will live forever if only they are careful enough. Personally, if I have to die as the result of an attacker, I’d rather do it fighting with my bare hands than cowering under a desk in terror.

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