They Know the Truth

So last night I was talking with a bunch of people who are currently being attacked in the latest Coalition to Stop Gun Violence stalker-fest over at the Conspiracy . The amusing thing is that despite the culture of fear that the anti-rights cult push, and the constant parroting that the guy with a gun “just might snap and kill everybody” (spoken about quite eloquently in the latest handgun podcast), they still feel the need to embark on ever more personal attacks against bloggers simply standing up for their rights and the rights of others. They use names like Gabrielle Giffords, and Judge John Roll, who were shot by a crazy person, but they miss that both these people were pro-gun in their political work.

While they claim to get death threats and the words of the old-gods in their comment section, those never seem to surface. The bottom line is all of these creeps are pretty well known, with their addresses online, as well as their photos, and never once has a hand been raised against them (not at hand, not a gun).

Odd if we were the crazed psychos they claim us to be #1. Wouldn’t our names be all over the national news, as well as the FBI wanted list? and #2. Would they REALLY be taunting us?

The truth is our guns are for the protection of ourselves and our free state, and we have no desire to use them for violence unless it is the last resort. The anti-rights cultists know this, and so they continue to level libel, slander, and threats against us.

To further solidify my point, I will pledge financial support to any blogger or (preferably) group of bloggers seeking legal action against them. I see the attacks only getting worse, and I’m willing to pledge my money to stop them, and stop them good before it goes too far.

So much for us being violent savages….

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0 Responses to They Know the Truth

  1. teke says:

    What would I give to hear Giffords come out and say that the person who shot her was looney period end of story. There are no new laws or capacity restrictions, or loophole checks that would have prevented this or changed it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Saddly I wonder how Rep Gifford’s speaking ability is doing. I’m glad she’s doing so well, but I’ve spent the last few years talking with neurologists and surgeons about what brain bits do what, and a bullet through the left frontal, temporal, and occipital lobe is all bad news for most people (most people are left-brain dominant)

      One reason why the wife’s brain surgery went so well was the tumor was on the RIGHT side.

      Still my heart goes out to Rep Giffords and her family, and even if she goes against reality and joins the brady camp, I wish her a speedy and full recovery.

  2. Pingback: A Retort | Weer'd World

  3. Linoge says:

    Once again, I am left wondering how they would react if we had made similar comments as they have over the past few days.

    Well, no, I am not wondering… I know exactly the form their hysterical overreaction would take…

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