VT Update

As I suspected, no gunman or gun found.

Probably just some dorky kid who panicked. Still under the vague threat that just MAYBE would have been a guy with a gun who just MAYBE might be interested in doing harm they locked down the whole school, called in a metric assload of cops and SWAT teams, and probably scared the crap out of the kids, and their parents who couldn’t come anywhere near them.

It got me thinking of this story. Texas guy gets a call from his neighbor saying they THINK they saw somebody breaking into his house. He assumed it was bullshit, but like most Americans he’s a bit attached to his house, and the stuff in it, that he drove home to check it out.

Since he had his carry gun with him, and he suspected it was bullshit he just went in and cleared his house. Turns out it wasn’t bullshit, and he had an intruder in his home. No biggie, he had a gun and a cellphone. Problem solved.

I can think that would be my same idea if there was a “maybe gunman” report. Go about my day, and just keep my eyes peeled for anything suspicious or matching any description I’d heard. Chances are its bullshit, so I won’t disrupt my day, but if it isn’t, I got plan B which was invented by John Browning.

Of course one could argue that there was a warning of a shooter during the Virginia tech massacre, but just about every other attack there was no warning, so frankly “Plan B” should always be on the table.

At least for me. I MUST note that Collin Goddard was at the first attack. He now works for the Brady Campaign, and is using his position to push gun control legislation that would have had NO impact on the man who shot him.

So essentially what Collin Goddard is saying is in then event of a shooting, hide under your desk until help arrives.

I’d like to expand that. If you’re a proponent of the Joyce Foundation or the Brady Campaign, you MUST be aware that a “Maybe Shooter” is ALWAYS happening. I mean if you live in a pro-freedom state, guns are cheap and easy to get, so the danger is neigh. If you live in a Marxist Republic, you have a free-state nearby where guns are cheap and easy to come by….so the danger is neigh.

So for you anti-rights proponents maybe you should hide under your desks for good measure. You can come up when that scary 2nd Amendment has been repealed!

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0 Responses to VT Update

  1. Old NFO says:

    Gun Free Zone = Target Rich Environment… plain and simple…

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    Hide under the Desks? I just left College this spring. You couldn’t hide a Granola Bar under those Desks! But it is funny what could be hidden Day in and Day out, even while having a Smoke with your Campus Police Buddy.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well, Les, you got a few pounds on Collin Goddard….but you also have a carry permit. So how about the rules are you can go about your day, but pack a gun, and we’ll let Colin and Baldr hide under their desks.

  3. Jake says:

    I can think that would be my same idea if there was a “maybe gunman” report. Go about my day, and just keep my eyes peeled for anything suspicious or matching any description I’d heard.

    Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but that’s exactly what I did, despite working extremely close to that part of campus.

    Of course one could argue that there was a warning of a shooter during the Virginia tech massacre

    One thing that most people who criticize the University’s reaction tend to forget is that that type of sequence – a shooter killing two people, then waiting an hour or so before beginning a massacre – had never happened before. So, yes, it can be argued that there was warning and they should have hit the panic button sooner, but it can also be argued that there was no reason to suspect that there was any need to.

    Of course, a single armed citizen in the right classroom could have ended the whole thing before it got as bad as it did. Goddard had the time to get his phone out and dial 911, so he (or anyone else) would have had the time to draw a pistol from concealment and get set to cover the door.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That’s why I think our people can settle our differences by letting those of us with guns carry them all over (including airplanes given that the gun is legal in the state of departure and state of arrival) schools and ESPECIALLY Post Offices. And we’ll be kind enough to supply them desks to hide under.

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