Quote of the Day: Useful Idiot

Say Uncle has a post about pundits either declaring victory for Obama, or the polls being skewed. His feelings are the same as many in my circle of friends. I we all really find it hard to get into this election because both Romney and Obama are totally horrible candidates, and I for one certainly don’t care who wins. Actually assuming Gary Johnson doesn’t win (which is like saying “Assuming Water is Wet!”) I’m kinda hoping for a narrow Obama victory…bonus points for hanging chads, and software problems with electronic ballot machines. Why? Well because I see the Democrats being a party taken over by the Marxist “Progressives”, and while the GOP is chock-full of Daddy-State turds like Romney and McCain, there are a ton of young faces that seem to be getting the idea that people can live their lives how they want, and can do it better with less government and taxes. Maybe its wishful thinking, but I think President Romney will just kick that eventual small-L libertarian take-over of the GOP down the road a few more years. Also Romney is a man of action, and Obama is a Man of Leisure. I personally think Obama after his victory will fly off to some place tropical, and only venture into the country long enough to make a speech about how nice his poop smells.

Still this leads to this guy. Don’t know him from Adam, so he might just be some troll still:

I have to say, after reading some of these comments, some of you people need your damn guns taken away.

No seriously, you have an party stating that they want to bring back the AWB, need more taxes and more spending (btw “taxing the rich” is how California got a state income tax) and you are “undecieded” or “not excited”. When a party says as clear as day that they want your guns, all i read from your comment is…. I’m a fucking idiot for even considering the democrats.

I think you should vote for Obama, maybe when he drives us into an Argentinean collapse you “undecideds” will just become “unexisting”

He goes on in another comment about how he predicted the housing collapse before his happened. Yeah he’s the smartest guy in the room! Yeah we need to have our guns taken away!

BTW did you see my go-to rifle?

Hmmm, Flat muzzle, fixed stock, no Bayonet lug, and pre-ban magazines? Why its almost like the ’94 AWB is still here. AM I LIVING IN THE PAST?

No, I’m living in Romney’s Massachusetts. Now I don’t think this idiot should have HIS guns taken away. I live under this shit, and don’t wish it on anybody.

Still I do think he needs to be told to his smug face that he’s an idiot a LOT more.


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29 Responses to Quote of the Day: Useful Idiot

  1. Jack says:

    The one advantage a Romney presidency would have is the media would actually root around for problems intead of actively covering them up.

    Though that has to be balanced agaisnt Ronmey being a doer and Obama being a sloth.

    On the gripping hand, Obama’s hands-off “management” style allows for his chronies and chums to rule like the barons of old when the king is away. And they’ll get plenty of stuff done.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    You know, something keeps bugging me about the “Romney” Ban. Did Mitt create it, or did the Bill come from the Veto-Proof State Legislature? I mean, considering the way the VolksRepublik is Ruled, I keep seeing that Mitt was basically a “Rubber Stamp.” And if he did such a good job for the DemaCommies, why was he forced out ASAP? One would think that “in the Spirit of Bi-Partizenship,” keeping a RINO or two around the State House would be Good Propaganda.

  3. Oddball says:

    I’m reminded of 8 years ago when my liberal buddies were pushing for me to vote for Kerry. Seemed like the only argument that they could come up with was “anyone but Bush.” My response then is the same response to the “anyone but Obama,” and that would be “really? So you’d rather me vote for Hitler? Stalin?” I’m not a fan of Obama, but you’re not going to get me terribly excited about your candidate when all I hear is “vote for me, ’cause the other guy is the anti-christ.”

    Also, note to the Republicans: you’re running the same campaign strategy that Kerry ran against Bush. George W. Bush didn’t win that election because he was super popular… just saying.

  4. MAJ Mike says:

    Sweet. My “go-to” rifle is the HK91 with the EoTech sight, Picatinney rails, Ching Sling, and bayonet lug with bayonet. It pairs nicely with the HK .45c USP.

  5. Joel says:

    I dunno, Weer’d. That rifle still looks pretty evil to me. Maybe Mass needs to ban pistol grips and the color black. And that clip* may be “pre-ban” but it sure looks like it holds a lot of bullets*.

    Full disclosure: My go-to carbine has a shoulder thing that goes sideways. I’m more evil than you.

    *It’s snark. Shut up.

  6. Pingback: SayUncle » Feelings on Romney

  7. Dave says:

    If Obama is reelected, get used to saying “Supreme Court Justice Eric Holder,” and go ahead and say goodbye to all the advances we’ve made in 2nd Amendment freedoms.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      They keep saying that as if he’d ever get approved.

      We have a President, not a King.

      • Geodkyt says:

        He got Kagan and Sotormayor.

        The meme is that Obama and Holder aren’t REALLY antigun, because they haven’t gotten a gun confiscation law passed yet. And Holder will promise he “supports the Second Amendment”.

        Just like Candidate Obama, and Supreme Court nominees Kagan an Sotormayor.

        Unlike Democrats, Republicans can’t fillibuster SCOTUS appointees — they’ll just be labelled as extremist fringe nuts abusing the Constitution. Then, enough RINOs will pledge to vote for cloture to prove they aren’t obstructionist fringers, and Justice Holder will be confirmed by 51 or 52 Senate votes. . . which is ALL he needs to lock that LIFETIME appointment.

        Plan on the next President getting 2-3 appointments in his four years. Ginsberg will be one of those, Scalia and Thomas are other likely candidates. Replacing Ginsberg, Thomas, and Scalia with RINO appointees is, at worst, a draw — two brilliant minds, one a strict originalist and the other a conservative constructionist; and one BRILLIANT liberal moonbat (don’t let her hate fool you — Ginsberg is brilliant. . . wrong, but brilliant; you DO NOT want her writing majority 2nd Amendment opinions) in exchange for three 75% justices.

        Let Ginsberg get replaced by President Unicorn Rainbow Bukkake, and that’s ANOTHER 30 years of moonbat votes. Let a SINGLE “moderate” or “originalist” get replaced, and that’s 30 years of anti-Second Amendment opinions — starting with overturning Heller and MacDonald in favor of NO indivdual right of ANY sort, and NO right to carry outside the home. The moonbats have ALREADY telegraphed that — by CONTINUING to argue in dissent the same exact losing arguments that failed in Heller.

        Fuck the AWB, fuck taxes, assume for arguments that EVERYTHING the press, threepers, and big-L Libertarians say about a Romney Presidency are 100% true.

        Under WHAT circumstances will Romney be likely to put WORSE candidates on SCOTUS in the face of a hostile press and Senate Democratic dirty tricks, compared to the two Obama ALREADY appointed?!?

      • Jack says:

        Weerd, I’m not so sure about that. Obma’s more expensive than UK’s queen, and he certianly likes to be more of a figurehead than an acutal executive and prefers reigning rather than ruling.

        As I’ve said before given his sloth I don’t have as much worry about what Obama does, his minions on the other hand… they’re busy busy and have plans. Also they’ll be operating under the King’s grace. Which includes media protection.

        This is about the most compelling for Romney:

        “Under WHAT circumstances will Romney be likely to put WORSE candidates on SCOTUS in the face of a hostile press and Senate Democratic dirty tricks, compared to the two Obama ALREADY appointed?!?”

        That and the media would stop actively covering up for the president.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Overall the SCOTUS point is fairly solid…except for how Judges retire. If a serious conservative judge decides that its safe to retire because a claimed “conservative” Romney is in office, we could be looking at a HORRIBLE swing in the court.

          If one of the Heller 5 dies in office in the next 4 years, we’re fucked no matter how you slice it.

          Again, I sit on the case that I’d rather have a Socialist loafer in office, than a RINO with ambitions. Also if Romney wins the election there will be a lot of decent Republicans that will support him simply for partisan reasons, and certainly NOBODY will primary against him in 2016, and 2016 will be Romney vs. another hardcore socialist…possibly Hillary Clinton, and I think that would be a frighteningly close race.

          Meanwhile if Barry wins, we have a good shot of running a REAL conservative against Joe Biden. That or another two-party toss-up like in 2008, but with a LOT less RINOs in office. Especially since with Obama as President the mid-term Elections will likely swing much more Right than under Romney, much like 2010 did.

          None of it is great, but that’s where we are!

      • Rob Crawford says:

        We have a President, not a King.

        Really? Have you been paying attention?

        He imprisoned a guy for blasphemy. Since when is that an actual crime in the US?

        • Jack says:

          Now now, it might have been for Lese-majesty.

          It also shows the convenience of 3 Felonies a Day. LEO and DA discretion allows for such flexibility.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Technically he was imprisoned for some VERY politically convenient “Parole Violations”, I agree with you that it stinks to high heaven, but also I have yet to see evidence that he’s being denied his right to a speedy trial. Until that happens this will remain a stinky, but legal political stunt that will likely backfire.

      • Michael Curtis says:

        I have 2 words “Recess appointments”

        and one name Elena Kagan

        It can happen and it will happen. Why? because BO will have nothing to lose.

      • Sebastian says:

        If Obama gets to replace any of the Heller 5, the Second Amendment will either be dead letter completely, or it will be some vague, poorly defined right, to have a gun in your home, provided that you jump through whatever hoops the government can envision. That’s the choice. With Romney there is at least a chance.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          You’re correct on it being a gamble at best with Romney (tho I’ll agree its a sure-thing with Obama).

          That being said, look at all the legal controversy on Roe v. Wade, and has that been overturned yet?

          I dunno, I just don’t think the Heller decision (especially the fact that it was 9-0 on 2A being an individual right) is that fragile.

          Meanwhile we can all agree this election is a turd, but looking forward to 2014 and 2016, I see Romney as nothing but harm for getting GOOD candidates on the ballot.

  8. Michael Curtis says:

    Troll, proudly yes
    Correct , yes again
    Was I the only one to predict a full on collapse due to the CRA ? NOPE

    Ron paul did too. I just happened to be listening (bush did to … in 2003)

    Did I finally get you excited? No? OK how about this?

    That “go to” gun of yours would not be California legal. Now what are ya going to “go to”

    Am I the smartest guy in the room? Well seems that way.

    Look hoping that Obama wins so the “little L” can take over is not only STUPID…. its simple …. as in your fucking simple to think that way.

    Its like wishing your daughter would get sexually assaulted so that she will be smart about who she dates.

    I used to be libertarian, but then i found out that most libertarians talk a good talk but don’t know shit about their own government and frankly don’t walk the walk for shit.

    SO yes I suppose if Obama gets his next 4 years, then yes I suppose you will get at least half of your wish. Of course we will all be raped, and libertarians will STILL be talking about what should happen.

  9. terry dactal says:

    I am sick and tired of the cynical pose that there is no difference between the candidates. Grow up – you can’t have the perfect candidate – he doesn’t exist.

    You are now faced with the choice between a first rate arsonist, and a second rate fireman. Make your choice and vote for somebody, or against somebody. Or don’t bother – nobody is going to know for sure – that is what the secret ballot is all about.

    At any rate, your oh-so-sophisticated, above-it-all pose is lame – like you can’t be bothered to get down to the business of making a decision.

    Imagine this scenario: the election is close. It comes down to one state, one precinct, one vote. Do you think either party can be trusted to accurately count the ballots? It is better if it not close, because then they can’t cheat.

    • Michael Curtis says:

      Damnit, you put it better than I ever could. Though you did it without as much buthurt extraction, I made a lot of em angry.

      You sir win the internets +10

  10. Michael Curtis says:

    Here … this will screw up your whole day

    Ayn Rand on Libertarians:

    I’d rather vote for Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, or Jerry Lewis. I don’t think they’re as funny as Professor Hospers and the Libertarian Party. If, at a time like this, John Hospers takes ten votes away from Nixon (which I doubt he’ll do), it would be a moral crime. I don’t care about Nixon, and I care even less about Hospers. But this is no time to engage in publicity seeking, which all these crank political parties are doing. If you want to spread your ideas, do it through education. But don’t run for President—or even dogcatcher—if you’re going to help McGovern.

  11. Geodkyt says:

    For the win:

    You are now faced with the choice between a first rate arsonist, and a second rate fireman.

  12. Michael Curtis says:

    Well that explains a lot…..

  13. C-Low says:

    Obama in a second term will not be held back at all. He will go for all his most hard left stuff doing as much as he can via exec order. Stacking the Supreme will be for the future work.

    To hell with the opinion of the peasants they will not be needed anymore.

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