Serious Irony!

The anti-freedom people MUST be stupid! Look at this post from Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign:

The NRA has profited from and taken advantage of the fears of Americans after mass shootings…We are better than this. We shouldn’t be having funerals like this on a regular basis.

Now I won’t Copy the hyperlinks, but Joan first claims the NRA is profiteering off of tragedies…then links to the Brady Campaign fundraising page in the next breath. A page the Brady Camp created soon after the Colorado shooting . Not only are they asking for money, but they’re asking for contact information so they can sell it!

Oh and to add insult to injury she keeps repeating lies in hopes that they come true:

This article written by Republican pollster Frank Luntz for the conservative Washington Post should be heeded by those who think the NRA and its’ minions don’t want sensible gun laws. Actually, NRA members want sensible gun laws. It’s their leadership and a few gun rights extremists that don’t appear to want anything to interfere with the agenda of fear and paranoia.

We talked about that Mayors Against Illegal Guns poll here, I think we all know that a group that doesn’t allow pro-gun comments on their websites, and only appear on slanted venues, they wouldn’t commission a poll if they weren’t assured it would make them look good….but the reality is the poll isn’t true. Politicians are avoiding gun control laws because they know its horrible unpopular, and places like Wal-Mart are selling Modern Sporting Rifles to their customers. There’s no evidence that supports Luntz’s poll as anything but a lie.

Hey but keep telling yourself that…hell Joan is still citing the Kellerman Study, despite even Kellerman himself wishing the world would forget about his little piece of junk science.

They are THAT tin eared, and that foolish! The truth is, gun owning Americans are the ones who are better!

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0 Responses to Serious Irony!

  1. Vector says:

    Washington Post…conservative? Really?

    • Scott says:

      I was going to say the same thing, but you totally beat me too it! Most definitely and anti-gun newspaper if I ever saw, and I read it every day so I know!

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    The ONLY Gun Poll Question that is Valid is “Now, do you need some Ammo to go with that Firearm you just Bought?”

    • Archer says:

      I can see the answers:
      A. Why, yes, I can always use more ammo!
      B. Yes, I need to test-fire this Curio/Relic.
      C. No, this will be a mantle-piece, and will not see any actual use.
      D. No, I didn’t buy a firearm, as it’s my right as an American to choose whether to own or not own one, and for my own reasons I choose the latter.
      E. I’m an anti-rights, pro-criminal person, and I’m offended you would ask me such an insane question, you racist, stupid, impotent, uneducated, closed-minded, stupid, NRA-supporting, racist, inbred, stupid, childish, impotent fool! While you’re bitterly clinging to your guns and religion, I hope your child shoots himself with your gun and the SWAT team comes to your house and kills you and your whole family! Maybe then you’ll see some common sense!

      There, that should just about cover it!

      (And yes, “racist”, “stupid”, and “impotent” are listed multiple times intentionally. The rest is “creatively borrowed” from Twitter comments directed to U.S. Olympian Corey <a href=";)Cogdell. It’s all they have.) 🙂

  3. Jack says:

    No No NO! NRA members really love Gun Control!

    That’s why they pay to be in the NRA instead of paying to be in a Gun Control organization!

    Also I love that they have to use the phrase “gun RIGHTS extremists”. Hi hi! Nice to see you being open about being Anti-Rights.

    And one wonders what fears and paranoias are unjustified of us gun rights extremists?

    The fear that people want to take away our rights? The fear that there are people willing to use violence to take away our property and our lives?

    Course this is from people busking in the blood while waving their tin cup.

  4. Cargosquid says:

    What I love is that Luntz is a “Republican” pollster just because they were the ones to first hire him. He’s a pollster. Period. He’ll make any poll come out however you want it to.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah he’s a mercenary, plain and simple…and god bless him for that. I don’t see Luntz as an enemy, or an Anti-Rights guy…probably just the opposite.

      He has a unique set of skills, he can make and conduct a poll, and know the outcome of it before he even hires the phone bank to start dialing, and then he goes forward and accomplishes that.

      This can be used for any cause willing to pay him….of course the value of these polls are pure smoke and mirrors, as again, Luntz crafts the poll so that the numbers WILL add in his employer’s favor.

      Hell I’m glad he took a big chunk of Bloomberg (and the Joyce Foundation and Brady Campaign who help Mayors against Illegal guns) Money, and I hope he spends it in good health!

      • Braden Lynch says:

        Would it not be hysterical if we commissioned him to create a poll that mysteriously provided the exact opposite results of their poll?

        They would probably blink twice and go right back to their talking points. Denial is a force as strong as the gravity of a black hole.

  5. Old NFO says:

    I just ignore her and go on… She smoked too much of that gun nut “dope”!

  6. Tom says:

    I can’t bring myself to read her drivel, but what drives me crazy about her (Brady & Co.) is that they don’t have the guts to come out and call for banning all guns. That’s what they want, but they know the public doesn’t want that. Instead, they try to tap into the “occupy” storyline about evil corporations. Joan is trying to create a story that makes the NRA responsible for criminals killing people, not gun owners. That’s kind of new and it shifts the argument away from banning our guns and towards the faceless, money grubbing corporate entity of the NRA. It’s much easier to build public support against the NRA than your neighbor. Of course, the end goal is the same — no guns for you or me. First they’ll come after my ARs, then my Sigs and 1911s, and then my Smith revolvers. And all your guns tucked somewhere in the middle.

    It’s our job to make sure that all gun owners who don’t belong to the NRA understand that Brady & Co. will try first to ban, then confiscate all their guns.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah, that bothers me too. They always say “We’re not coming for your guns!”, then they vilify my guns. They also never seem to specify what guns are OK for civilians to own.

      They know their goals, and they also know their goals are so loathsome and unpopular that they can never speak them aloud in mixed company.

      The purpose of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was not to ban guns, or reduce crime, but to injure Us gun culture, and shrink the number of guns and gun owners…that way full bans would become more agreeable to the public.

      they got just the opposite!

  7. TS says:

    Any bets on whether the tagline “we’re better than this” surpasses “where’s the common sense” for future posts?

  8. Pingback: Quick Anti Put-Down | Weer'd World

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