You Don’t Say!

I think this happened to most people (OK I suspect Boys) in grade school.

“What would you rather do: Eat 100 lbs of fresh pig poop, or eat a maggot-filled dead body?” Or some such horrible dichotomy of questions.

Of course the natural answer is “Yuck I’d do neither!” of which the response is “NOOOOO You can’t do that, you have to CHOOOSE ONE!”

BTW Elections aren’t like that.

Rick Santorum may have scored a political hat trick Tuesday night, but voter turnout was down in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri. That continues a trend that began in Florida and occurred again in Nevada.

Yep if all the choices are bad, sane people just stay home. I don’t blame them. I’ll be voting in for Ron Paul in the Primary just to give the other assholes the finger. I don’t know if my wife will even bother voting.

BTW this reminds me of a story a buddy of mine told me: Back when he was in the Navy he was on leave in San Diego and he was walking into a store to get a drink. There was a hobo sitting on the sidewalk and said “Hey dude, Buy me a bottle!”

My buddy responded: “Sure guy, I’m drinking Mad Dog!”

The Hobo heard this and said: “No thanks.”

Seriously, if your choices are all bad, “Do Without” is a good choice.

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0 Responses to You Don’t Say!

  1. The company I work for is owned by a pro-voting kind of guy. He doesn’t care who we vote for (well, he cares, but he doesn’t ask and doesn’t push either way) as long as we go vote. That has been a problem for me as with my rather odd political views (which probably wouldn’t seem all that odd to some of the people here at WW), I can’t usually in good concience vote for either the D nor the R.

    Both the Ds and the Rs seem to want a huge government that controls everything (which I hate). The Ds want to disarm us and raise taxes so that everyone becomes a government slave (yes, hyperbole, but only by half). For our own good… figure that one… And the Rs, well lets not get started on the gay bashing, peeping tom, getting into everyones business, (un)patriot act signing, assholes. In effect, I’m half liberal, but it’s the half that the Democrats have seem to have abandoned, and half conservative, but it’s the half that the Republicans have tossed out in their blind hunger for power.

    I want a “none of the above” chad for them assholes to miscount!


  2. Jake says:

    I’m voting Libertarian (expecting that it will be Gary Johnson). Unfortunately, I cannot vote for Ron Paul and his desired decimation of the 14th Amendment. (I should try and get a post up about that in the next couple of days.)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah if Johnson gets on the ballot in November I’ll vote for him. But for the Massachusetts Republican Primary I’ll be Ron Paul just as a middle finger. I’d never vote for Paul in a general election for a large number of reasons.

      • Jake says:

        Unfortunately, to vote in Virginia’s Republican primary requires signing a “loyalty oath” that you’ll vote for the Republican candidate in the general election, no matter who it ends up being, so I can’t participate anyway.

        Of course, the only choices on the ballot for the VA primary are Ron Paul and Mitt Romney, so I’d be screwed anyway.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          H0w does that “loyalty oath” work?

          Frankly at this point I’m content to piss off the GOP as much as possible.

          The other day a Scott Brown campaign worker called the house and asked if I’d pledge more money. I told her I’d be voting against Brown this year, and I was PLEASED to hear her sound upset!

          GOOD! You suck and you deserve to feel bad for it!

  3. Greg Camp says:

    Democrats want to control me in public, while Republicans want to control me at home. I want another option.

    By the way, on the question of guns, sometimes even Green Party candidates get it right. The Green candidate for U.S. Senate in 2010 from Arkansas was more explicitly in favor of gun rights than the Republican.

  4. Sevesteen says:

    I’ll be voting for Ron Paul in the primary, and third party (more than likely Libertarian) in November. I would pay more attention to the specific details if my views had a chance at winning–but right now I’m just trying to move libertarian-ish ideas a bit more mainstream.

    …and that I can vote in the Republican primary is one of the problems with our system. I’m not a republican.

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