I just recived this letter from Senator Scott Brown:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 822). I value your input and strive to keep you updated on the important issues facing us today.
On February 18, 2011, Representative Cliff Stearns introduced the National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act. This legislation would allow any person with a valid state-issued permit to carry a concealed firearm in any state that issues concealed firearm permits, or that does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms.
As you may know, I support the individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I also believe that individual states should be allowed to decide what constitutes safe and responsible gun ownership so long as it does not violate that basic constitutional right.
Under the proposed House legislation, a national concealed carry reciprocity amendment would obligate states like Massachusetts to recognize the concealed carry permits of other states, even if the bearer of that permit does not meet the requirements established by Massachusetts to receive such a concealed carry permit. I believe that the people of Massachusetts are best positioned to decide what is best for Massachusetts. Therefore, if H.R. 822 or similar legislation comes before the Senate, I will vote no.
Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at www.scottbrown.senate.gov.
Scott P. Brown
United States Senator
My Response back (that I suspect will be heard on Deaf ears):
I’m sorry to hear that, espeshally from a man who has sworn to serve and protect, and uphold the US Constitution both as a US Senator, and as an Officer in the US Army National Guard.
The US Supreme Court has ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects and individual right to keep and bear arms, and you have just spoken out in favor of a state that taxes that right and imposes illegal restrictions, as well as outright denials of that right.
And you have the gall to write: “As you may know, I support the individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I also believe that individual states should be allowed to decide what constitutes safe and responsible gun ownership so long as it does not violate that basic constitutional right.” You should be ashamed.
You have lost my vote, and will receive no further support from myself or my family.
Shameful behavior. I won’t be supporting the leftist who’s running against him, but I certainly won’t check the box besides this RINO’s name. For those who might question my decision, what would you prefer: A wolf in Sheep’s clothing, or just a regular Wolf?
I’d prefer Neither, but in Massachusetts such a thing doesn’t exist at the time.
Want to migrate? As fun as it was to vote for Scott Brown and against Martha Coakley, it was WAY more fun to vote for Marco Rubio and against Charlie Crist 🙂
Maybe in a few years. Right now we’re in the magic sweet spot between comfortable jobs market, nice place to live (and really state-wide this place sucks, but my town is a little slice of awesome) and proximity to family.
Maybe once all our respective parents do as all old Yankees do, and move to Florida, we’ll give it a hard look.
Cain/Rubio 2012!
Well shit. I guess rights should be infringed upon those of the poor spelling.
I got the same shitty letter. Talk about pissed! What a RINO he is, and I’m very disappointed.
That’s asinine. How can you in one breath claim support of a right, and in the next claim that states should be allowed to deny that right? He contradicts himself like a…oh wait, he is a liberal politician. He may be conservative for Mass, but he’s still a liberal.
surprise surprise. looks like new england rino disease spreads further south.
You should have asked him what OTHER rights he feels should be left to the states to control….
The right to speak has, ultimately, caused the death of millions. Someone had to inflame the populace and get the gov’t on their side to kill the minority of their choice.
Better the enemy who would try to stab you from the front than the “friend” who’ll stab you in the back.
I had the chance to meet Senator Brown up close and personal in the receiving line after he’d done and little not-exactly-campaign speech where I work. You should have seen the panic in his eyes when I asked what he’s hearing about Fast & Furious. Eyes like saucers! Then he zeroed in on the NRA pin on my shirt collar. Then he stammered out some nonsense about ‘concentrating on jobs and the economy.’
I could forgive that – being rather early in the investigation into F&F. But not this.
Senator, you have lost my vote.
Sincerely, HerrBGone, the guy with the beard and the NRA pin last summer in Lowell. I’m sure you remember…
The #ourlivesourlaws folk on the twitter must have some preformed ‘click here to thank Scott Brown for not forcing MA to allow people to carry hidden loaded guns’ button set up, cause there’ve been several tweets today that all say the exact same thing.
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